Web, Mobile
This is a classic startup that has gone through the path from ideas to great investments in 3 years. And we had the honor of cooperating with him for the duration of 3 years until now.
Lovys encourages clients to take out insurance on basic life things quickly through a mobile add-on. A phone, a home pet, a car, and a flat – everything often becomes an object of insurance. And if in the past, it was necessary to spend a couple of hours or even a few days of costly time to take out insurance offline, Lovys propose that as much and easy as possible.
This is exactly the kind of reliability that the Lineup team and Lovys engineers needed to ensure. Also, we had to show extreme flexibility in the conditions of constant search for investments and changes in priorities. We needed to quickly increase the number of engineers to achieve intermediate results and conduct important demos for investors, then we hading to reschedule and reschedule the workload to a smaller team to optimize costs. The path of Lovys and Lineup is a path of mutual help and trust.
We were able to work partially on the Lovis web apps, but the main part of the project was implemented on the IOS and Andriod mobile platforms. Apps were implemented in a naive way and developed at the same time as the development of native technologies for IOS and Android. In this manner, we have always supported the modern technical stack throughout the entire life cycle.
The special attention in the project was on testing – a large number of real users with different devices demanded special respect for us in the process of the implementation of new functions.
The results of the work in this project can by no means be called complete because the development and improvement of the project are carried out every day and present.
Thousands of people are covered by the results, and they can take care of insurance services manually and quickly online.
Lovys is a valuable innovative product in the insurance industry for the European market.
Our main role in the project is to provide a highly professional engineering team for all stages of the project, including MVP, to numerous new releases and support.
We provided a flexible team, for adaptation to the goals of all intermediate stages of the project.